Ali Curzon Coaching

My mission:


Helping women to feel healthier & happier in mind and body.


About me

Hey! I’m Ali. I’m a certified Nutrition & Behaviour Coach based here in the beautiful hills of Wales. I'm passionate about empowering women to build lives where they feel healthy, and happy, in mind and body. After years of watching women struggle with low self-esteem, cycles of yo-yo dieting and negative self-talk, I knew change was needed - and I wanted to be a part of that change.

Now I get to help women switch up their mindsets, achieve their long-term health goals, and feel awesome in the skin they’re in.

More about me

You deserve so much more

Health & wellbeing these days can be a bit of a mine field - I get that.

And so often what is overlooked is that health is a very personal thing. What works for one woman, and her body, and her values, and her daily life, is unlikely to work in just the same way for someone else.

Which is why it is so important to figure out a route that works for YOU.

As a passionate advocate for women, and a certified Nutrition Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner, working with me incorporates eating behaviours, mindset, and daily health practices to create long term, sustainable change.

1:1 coaching

With mindset work, nutrition guidance and personalised action plans, learn to feel confident and in control of your health & happiness in 12 short weeks.

group program

These supportive & informative group programs run for 6 weeks, guiding you through the fundamentals of nutrition, mindset shifts & daily health practices.


Over the course of the year I host a number of workshops and retreats, both in person and online, coving nutrition basics, healthy habits & embracing your body.


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Is coaching the right fit for you?

do you…

  • feel overwhelmed with all the (often conflicting!) health and wellbing information available?

  • find yourself fed up of trying to do all the things, all the diets, all the exercise plans, and ending up right back at square one?

  • beat yourself up for your 'lack of willpower’?

  • feel like you know what you need to do, and yet somehow still aren’t doing it?

  • want to hide or cover up your body, or find yourself avoiding events and situations because you feel self-conscious?

    Are you ready to…

  • feel in control of the choices you make about your health & wellbeing?

  • say goodbye to overwhelm & the struggle of trying to figure it all out on your own?

  • understand what works for you, your body & your lifestyle?

  • switch up your mindset, create new habits that serve you & embrace feeling happy in the skin you’re in

  • sleep better, eat better & be in-tune with your (amazing) body?
