About me

Let me start by saying - I firmly believe that that health and happiness are not directly related to the size, shape & weight of a body. We are human beings, not human bodies, and each and every one of us has different genetic make-ups, life experiences, and daily commitments.

It took me a long time, in fact, to realise that health takes many forms and we do not have to mould ourselves to fit one specific version, nor should we ever believe we need to emulate others.

I’ve not come into health & nutrition from a fitness stance - I’m not a personal trainer, and I definitely don’t have washboard abs (so, if you were looking for that, move on my friend). I am a busy Mum of three, I have stretch marks, a belly that wobbles, and an ever increasing amount of cellulite and wrinkles - and I still love my body, and myself.

The power to change our lives lies in first changing our minds - in deconditioning all those long-held negative beliefs that leave us stuck in a cycle of yo-yo diets and feeling like we’re never achieving that illusive body goal.

Believe me - I spend too many years of my life buying into the ‘not enough’ narrative - and stepping out of this was one of the most challenging but rewarding steps of my life.

And I am grateful everyday for the happiness and self-worth I was able to create for myself.

Now I’m here now to help you achieve the confidence, the acceptance, the happiness that you seek. I get that wanting to lose weight isn’t just about losing weight - it’s about wanting to create change, it’s about wanting to feel differently about yourself, to step into a ‘new you’.

And yes, good nutrition plays a role, eating behaviours are important, as are being mindful, self-compassionate, practicing self-care, sleeping well etc.

But the fundamentals still lie in how you see yourself - and this is something that comes from deep within. (But, don’t panic, because we can work on ALL OF THIS together!)


As a Mum to two girls (and a son), now growing into their teenage years, it’s become increasingly important to me to be a voice for female empowerment, self-love & body positivity.

We’ve all grown up in a society that praises and elevates women who fit the (current!) ideals - and I am not on board with it.

Times are changing, yes, but sometimes (too often), it feels like too little, too late.

Together, we can can make a stand.

Together, we create change.

Ali Xx