Transforming Body, Empowering Mind Coaching Program
It’s not about being bikini-ready, it’s not about getting “in shape” for summer, it’s not a six week swimsuit diet. It’s about realising and embracing the fact that you can get in the sea and swim with your kids, or your friends, this summer and not give a hot damn whether people are watching you – and not caring, even if they are.
The most fundamental step in changing how you feel about your body is to switch the focus away from your body shape, and put it toward your body health (and mental health in the process).
From such a young age we are fed this narrative by popular media (and this is true whether you grew up reading 17 magazine and watching Home & Away, or whether you’ve grown up with access to Instagram and TikTik – the mode of delivery may have shifted, but the message has remained the same), that there is this ‘ideal’ figure (which, by the way, changes depending which decade we’re in), and that if we can achieve this coveted ‘ideal figure’, that all of our dream will come true. That all of our fears and insecurities will fade away. That we will suddenly gain all the confidence we need and want.
That by being this shape will makes us healthy, happy, and worthy.
But guess what? (Yeh, I know, it’s not a stretch to guess this one)
Being slim, being a certain shape, a certain dress size or a certain number on a scale does not automatically make you healthy, and it does not automatically make you happy. In fact, actually the very opposite can be true.
(restriction can make us super miserable AND isn’t great for our bods)
So, what am I getting at?
What I’m getting at is that your health, and your happiness, have far, far, FAR more to do with your mindset and your daily life choices, than they do with your shape or your size.
And I am not here to say that health isn’t important – I really believe in striving for a healthy body and a healthy mind, I just think that we need to be super intentional with and aware of how we go about achieving this…
…And we need to let go of this idea that our worth is connected to our external appearance.
And that is where the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind program comes in to play.
So, what’s in this wonder program, I hear you ask?
Well, honestly, many, many things but, fundamentally, it’s about holistic health (so a combination of mind and body, and indeed strategies to get your mind & body more in sync), confidence mindset and re-evaluating your values in connection to your self-image.
But, also included are;
· Defining what confidence means to you
· Why restrictive diets suck & aren’t even good for us
· Finding an empowered community
· Growth Mindset
· The anti-diet eating approach to nutrition
· Goodbye limiting & negative beliefs
· Neuroplasticity (let’s re-wire our minds!)
· Our incredible (but not always helpful) brains
· Deconditioning & debunking the BMI (science & evidence based)
· Healthy media consumption
· Body-image deep dive
· Your BIG PICTURE health & happiness goals
(So, yep, there is a ton of stuff packed into this!)
And, of course, you get ME to guide you through it all, to be your ever-present cheerleader and to encourage you to celebrate all your wins.
You should be (it’s pretty epic)
P.S. Got more questions? Hit up my FAQ’s, but please also feel free to get in touch at any time with queries you might have.